FairTax 1.0--The Freedom and Fairness Restoration Act Flat Tax Program FairTax 1.0--The Freedom and Fairness Restoration Act Flat Tax Program FairTax 1.0--The Freedom and Fairness Restoration Act Flat Tax Program ©David Stewart Contact: Doc Yeah on America Online, docyeah@aol.com on Internet, 72122,03562 on CompuServe. FairTax 1.0 is a program that demonstrates a flat-rate income tax. It shows a possible income tax return for the flat rate in Representative Dick Armey's Freedom and Fairness Restoration Act. It interviews you for income and filing information and fills in the tax return. It allows you to change assumptions, such as the flat income tax rate, the value of exemptions, and whether or not capital gains, interest and other forms of nonwage and nonsalary income are taxed. And it allows you to make comparisons of the impact of a flat rate on your taxes and the impact of the current rate system. (You could be in for a big surprise--no matter what you assumed about flat income tax rates!) INSTALLATION INSTALLATION INSTALLATION INSTALLATION FairTax 1.0 requires that you have the file VBRUN300.DLL. If you use or examine much shareware, you probably have it. Look in your Windows or Windows SYSTEM subdirectory if you're not sure. If you don't have it, you can find it fairly easily on just about any bulletin board or down- load library anywhere on planet Earth. When you get it, uncompress it if necessary, and put it in your Windows SYSTEM subdirectory. The compressed file FAIRTX.ZIP contains five files: this file, FAIRTAX.TXT, the program file FAIRTAX.EXE, and three Visual Basic custom controls. Put FAIRTAX.EXE wherever you want it. Same with this file, FAIRTAX.TXT. Put the three VBX files, SSIDXTAB.VBX, SSFORMFX.VBX and THREED.VBX, in the SYSTEM subdirectory of your Windows directory. (Make sure you don't have newer versions of these files in the SYSTEM subdirectory already. If you have, you can just delete the files you already have.) FAIRTAX 1.0 FAIRTAX 1.0 FAIRTAX 1.0 FAIRTAX 1.0 FAIRTAX 1.0 FairTax 1.0 (or rather, its developer) is unabashedly biased in favor of a flat-rate income tax (though he'd actually prefer NO income taxation), but this bias does not affect the program's demonstrative value. FairTax 1.0 is easy to use, and can help you think more clearly about an important political issue. The current system of income taxation brings in about $1.5 trillion, but costs over $600 billion to administer in manpower and other resources. It also creates inescapable uncertainty, arbitrariness in enforcement and an atmosphere of legal intimidation in our relations with our government. (Not that these are accidental.) FairTax 1.0 is free for demonstrational and recreational purpose (if you like to fool around with income tax permutations for recreation, anyway). It is NOT 100% accurate; our tax system is constantly undergoing change, in everything from rates to definitions. However, it attempts to shed some light on the subject of income taxation rates and lets you change assumptions to accommodate changing legislation. FLAT TAX FLAT TAX FLAT TAX FLAT TAX FLAT TAX FLAT TAX Enjoy FairTax 1.0. If you are interested in the flat tax, you can write to or call: Empower America 1776 I Street, NW Suite 890 Washington DC 20006 (202) 452-8200 I am in no way affiliated with Empower America. 9 February 1995